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Can I cancel an item I have won?

We are afraid that you are not able to cancel an auction and get a refund after you have won an item.

According to the rules for Yahoo! JAPAN Auction, placing bids on auction means that customer agreed to purchase the item. Therefore when winning the auction, customers should complete the transaction. 
We unfortunately cannot accept cancellation once you win an auction. Moreover we put a "NOTES ON BIDDING" message on the confirmation page when placing each bids. We appreciate that customers agreed on the notes before confirming the bids.

* After making a bid it is not possible to cancel.
* We do not guarantee the quality or authenticity of the goods.
* Import restrictions vary for each country, so the purchaser is responsible for verifying the legality of the product in his/her country. Click here for List of items prohibited for shipping to all countries.

Please understand that we are trying to provide you an enjoyable Yahoo! JAPAN Auction experience at Buyee. Therefore, we would appreciate it if you could consider each bid carefully before you decide to submit it.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused and we wish to express to you our gratitude for your understanding.

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