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How long will it take to receive the package from the seller after winning the auction?

Please allow us to explain the structure of a Yahoo! JAPAN Auction transaction for your reference. After winning the auction, communication between the seller and Buyee for purchase details such as payment method and delivery method is required. Usually, this process takes around 2-3 business days.

Furthermore, around 70% of the sellers on Yahoo! JAPAN Auction are individual sellers as opposed to stores. For individual sellers, often they cannot ship out products during weekdays due to work. Once the transaction details with Buyee are confirmed, it generally takes around one week for the seller to send out the item to our warehouse.

After that, the item is delivered to the Buyee warehouse through domestic shipping within Japan.

Therefore, we suppose 14 days for domestic delivery to the Buyee warehouse after winning the auction to be within the normal range.

If you still have not received a package arrival notification on your e-mail inbox after 14 days since you won the auction, please send us an inquiry here with your winning auction ID and we will help you to confirm your package status as soon as possible.

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